AtPE coming soon, the online platform for architecture and design, presented to the public for the first time, at the annual architectural event ΕΣΩ in February 2019, the idea of a printed version of the platform. We were asked to design a flyer to communicate the platform’s new endeavor.

While forming the design concept we focused on the act of unfolding of a flyer and its reformation to a directed, autonomous event that enforces the experience of the reader-user and keeps distance from the typical and cliché logic of a commercial flyer, trapped in a sterile informa- tion display. The disclosure of information follows the unfolding of the flyer by the reader, in order

to synthesize in an orderly manner the data that it intends to convey.

We wanted to create an object with a strong architectural reference. The flyer, using the origami folding technique, it was transformed as it unfolded into an architectural landscape, com- posed of geodetic triangles. The goal was to create a flyer, that would not become a 2D wall post- er, but a three-dimensional self-contained object instead.