Archive of Curiosities
“In 2114, one hundred years since the archive has been sealed, it opens again
Deep down in its overstuffed insides there were found:
Envelopes. Small boxes. Bicycle wheels. Payment receipts. Letters with or without a recipient. Empty packages of chewing gums and candies. All kinds of souvenirs. Empty cigarette boxes. Various jewelery. Bookmarks. Notes with phone numbers written on them. Cards. Photos. Erasers. Books. Various fragile glass objects wrapped on paper. Lottery cards. Tickets. Dead Flowers. Music Discs. Usb sticks. Pens. Eyeglasses. Tourist maps of the city. Games… and hundreds of thousands more things, trivial or not.
Names of their holders and the dates of their deposition in the archive were written on them.
The bizarre collection was exhibited.
Then the archive was sealed again.
The process will be repeated in a hundred years”.
The study is the participation after invitation in the architectural workshop entitled MC REDUX and involves the redesign of an abandoned pavilion in the new waterfront of Thessaloniki. The design concept proposes a deposite –memory archive, where the citizens can put away personal items destined for future generations of residents of the city. The archive extends underneath the current structure -which- according to the proposal, operates as an entrance to the archive and an outdoor shelter along the coast.